• Tiger IP Connect Lite is a Windows based software solution to manage a single Nomadix powered Hot-Spot.
  • Tiger IP Connect Lite enhances the internet service billing capabilities of hotels and any other public service provider.
  • Tiger IP Connect Lite simplifies the setup and management of a hotspot and its customers and is a perfect solution for the “Self-Owned Hot-Spot”.
  • Tiger IP Connect Lite interacts to Tiger Hotel Cub/Pro product to obtain maximum flexibility in in-room service billing.
  • Tiger IP Connect Lite interfaces to the most common PMS systems in order to obtain detailed guest/user information and to post internet access charges directly to the PMS.
  • Tiger IP Connect Lite has a customisable portal page and allows you to generate vouchers that can be sold in your Hotspot.
  • Portal Page Management: Allows creation of a custom portal for each room. You can use the portal of the Tiger IP Connect Lite or design your own portal.
  • Room / Port Management: Ports can be opened or closed plus meeting rooms scheduled. Rooms can be attached to floors or guest types. This can be used later on for revenue reports.
  • Billing Plan Management: Time based, volume based or time and volume based billing plan’s can be created. This gives you all the flexibility you need to bill your customers. You can define billing plans for floors, guest types or for separate room numbers.
  • Login / Logout User login through the portal and can logout with a complete customisable logout console.
  • User Management: Creation of users based on the defined billing plans. You can limit bandwidth, manage time and volume and give the subscriber a public IP. You can create vouchers based on the billing plans. The layout of the vouchers can be changed to the format you need and even include your logo.
  • Revenue Reports: Revenue reports can be generated based on rooms floors or guest types.
  • Logging: Tiger IP Connect Lite includes a syslog server that keeps track of the syslog and AAA log messages. The subscriber activity is also logged. You can see when a subscriber was online.


  • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003
  • Minimum 100 Mb free on hard disk
  • Minimum 256 Mb Ram
  • Minimum 1500 MHz cpu
  • Fixed IP address (for Tiger IP Connect Lite and Nomadix Gateway)
  • The requirements will depend on the size of the Hotspot. The larger the Hotspot the more memory and faster CPU