Vision Executive for MICROS-Fidelio
Vision Executive for MICROS-Fidelio is a dynamic analysis and reporting application that can be utilized at your desk or across the web. Vision Executive provides tools to help uncover and analyse trends, problems and opportunities that are often concealed within property data. Reporting is not limited to a single application. Vision Executive can combine data from multiple applications into a single, concise report.
Executive Analysis
Delve further into the details of your report by applying Vision Executive’s analytic functions: Drilldown, Expand, Breakout and Cube Analysis. Frequently used analysis paths can be saved and used to update report data. The stored analysis paths are available every time a report is prepared.
Vision Security
Vision Executive provides security features to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data. The data a user can access will depend on the privileges assigned to that user.
Executive Breakout
Breakout automatically creates like reports based upon the combination of the selected output items. Multiple levels of Breakout could be applied to a query. For example you can break out a report by market code, source code and period.
Drill Path and Drill Data
The functions Drilldown and Breakout create drill paths, which can be saved and replayed. You can choose the format and layout of drill results. Your design preferences are maintained for future drill results.
Review Retained Reports
This functionality allows the review of retained reports. This versatile tool ensures that Vision Executive operates at an optimum level of performance and reduces the need to re-extract data every time.
Report Prompting
Report Prompting allows you to define the main criteria that drive the report such as a date range. Before the report is extracted, the parameters can be modified using intelligent prompts.